Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Same Sex Marriage

Same sex marriage is a very personal problem we'd like to conquer, as well as a rising problem for the entire country. There is so much controversy over this that it is constantly causing a problem, and that's not right. Our stand on the matter is there should be no rule against it. There's no rule about opposite sex marriage, so this should be no different. It's not hurting anyone, but if unchanged it could lead to that. It's any American's right to marry and love who ever they want, and not feel like it's wrong, or be restricted from it.

We have been fighting for a bill to be passed to add an amendment stating same sex marriage is legal, in any and every state. We currently are pushing for this by taking necessary steps to make this the popular opinion. We are holding speeches, attending debates, and getting involved with congressmen. We will not rest, until this issue is solved.

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