Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Abortion to us is a main issue we are working to fix. We don't believe that it should be used as another form of birth control, but we also do not believe in banning it. There are always certain circumstances dealing with each individual, so there needs to be a law in place that will best help everyone. During these times, it must be certain that woman's rights are not taken away. Our party stands strongly on the belief that abortion is a woman's right, with certain restrictions. There must be proof that the abortion is necessary. For instance if someone was raped, that woman should not be forced to have that child, when it wasn't in her wish to conceive the baby in the first place. That is unjust. 

We have taken many stands already to help the fight for the right of abortion. We have started petitions, protests, and pamphlets on our beliefs. There have been numerous conferences and debates we have attended to help our fight. We have traveled all over the country, so everyone has the chance of being educated on this issue, because it is an issue that truly affects everyone. In addition we have taken this issue to congress, calling on senators and representatives to help push for a bill that will help the right to have an abortion if there is a real reason to. There should always be an option, and that that's what we intend to create.

Same Sex Marriage

Same sex marriage is a very personal problem we'd like to conquer, as well as a rising problem for the entire country. There is so much controversy over this that it is constantly causing a problem, and that's not right. Our stand on the matter is there should be no rule against it. There's no rule about opposite sex marriage, so this should be no different. It's not hurting anyone, but if unchanged it could lead to that. It's any American's right to marry and love who ever they want, and not feel like it's wrong, or be restricted from it.

We have been fighting for a bill to be passed to add an amendment stating same sex marriage is legal, in any and every state. We currently are pushing for this by taking necessary steps to make this the popular opinion. We are holding speeches, attending debates, and getting involved with congressmen. We will not rest, until this issue is solved.

Campaign Finance

Campaign Finance is a huge issue not only facing us, but all third parties out there. For us it's such a personal problem because we don't have the luxury of Government funding. There's a way we can get it, but it's nearly impossible to reach that point. How does that help us beat the power of only two parties in America? We are running to help all Americans, but to do that we need an equal chance in the running. Government funding helps the Republican and Democratic Parties greatly, but for us it does nothing. Without money of our own it makes it extremely challenging to get our name out there.

We have many approaches to fix this problem, first off we are fighting to improve the way we can get money, because it shouldn't be that hard for us. We're aiming to lower the popular rate from 15% needed to 10% to get money, and fight to be able to get money before the campaign, not after. We are also going to fight to get the idea of a third party out there. This isn't a problem just facing the third parties, it affects all American's too, because our main goal is to go out and help you, not to stay in power. With more of a chance to campaign, all citizens will realize how much we will help.


Illegal Immigration is a huge problem in the United States. It is estimated that within 9 to 11 million illegals are currently in the United States. Illegal immigrants are looked down upon for many reasons, a big reason is legal citizens don't think it's fair. Some immigrants that have come into the United States legally are looked down upon because of the illegal immigrants. Those coming in illegally are making it a lot harder for those wanting to legally enter the United States. The immigrants that enter legally should not be looked down upon because some people choose the wrong path. We are hoping to lower the illegal immigration rate, so that those who are legally here can walk around without being labeled as someone who did something illegal. Our main goal is to help those people feel better here, and not looked down upon for something they don't have control over.


There are many issues in the environment in the United States.One is the use of oil. In the United States, we use 30% of the oil supply, yet only 2% of the oil we use comes from our own soil. In the United States we could significantly reduce our dependency on foreign oil. Also, if we were to create and use renewable energy or conservation projects, it would create 300% more jobs than projects such as construction and operation projects. This could also reduce the amount of pollution we give off, since we are a leading country in the amount of pollution released.

There are many ways that we could reduce the amount of oil used. One way is by going green. There are several different ways of going green, such as using solar powered energy, wind energy, hydroelectricity, tidal energy, and geothermal energy. These many different ways of environmental resources could cut back tremendously on the amount of oil we use in the United States. In addition we could educate people to recycle more and use those materials to remake new materials, cutting down the amount of waste we have. Lastly we want to encourage more public transportation so not all of the oil we use is wasted on just one person, when people could carpool. Less cars=less oil, which means less foreign oil needed to import.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Come listen!

We will be on the road these upcoming dates to visit all of these cities! We are coming to hear your comments and answer all of your questions. There will be open discussion and you will discover all The Common American Party will do for you!
Come see us on:
December 1, 2010- Denver, CO.
December 10, 2010- San Diego, CA.
December 15, 2010- Seattle, WA.
December 20, 2010-St. Paul, MN.
January 5, 2011- Nashville, TN.
January 10, 2011- Chicago, IL
January 15, 2011- Madison, WI.
January 20, 2011- Indianapolis, IN.
January 25, 2011- New York City, NY.
January 30, 2011- Philadelphia, PA.
February 2, 2011- Washington DC
February 9, 2011- Richmond, VA.
February 15, 2011- Charlotte, NC.
February 28, 2011- Miami, FL.
March 3, 2011- Dallas, TX.